Nov 27, 2006

VHS - Seinfeld nostalgia.

In the spirit of my cleanup exercise, I decided to get rid of Seinfeld VHS tapes. It was very very hard to let go.

While I have started collecting them as DVDs (long over due), these tapes have been with me for a very long time of 6 years!

Looking back, it was a shear accident that I got hooked up to Seinfeld series, while I used to watch Drew Carey Show. One day, having time, I decided to watch the comedy series after Drew Carey Show and ever since, its been the best show I've ever watched in my life.

Not having a VCR, many many days, I used to play my trip back from downtown Seattle, to be on time to not miss Seinfeld :) That was my start of my Seinfeld addiction. Over time, I started to record and the scheduled recording feature was so helpful to plan my time and to not miss episodes.

Many many days, when programs didn't interest me, these VHS tapes have been my savior :)

Addiction just grew more and in all these years and those 13 tapes were almost crying to me to let go. They also helped me to practically remember every single episode, dialogues, fine moments and specialties, to be able to recollect the entire episode, just when it starts !

Now, I don't use VHS anymore and DVDs are so convenient and durable.

Thank you so very much 'VHS tapes', you served me well. Deepest appreciation.


Nov 26, 2006

Back in action !

It was an unbelievable feeling, when I went to our Cricket ground this weekend.

Going after almost 7 months, it was a very long wait. I missed Cricket so much! Having arrived early, as always and seeing the superb ground was very nostalgic.

While I didn't risk bowling, batting and fielding brought back good memories. But, it was more of a zombie feeling to restrict my movement in the ground, compared to how I used to so very active before.

Nevertheless, it was a great weekend to get back to one of my great interest.

"You can do it Shankar", it has brought me up to this weekend. Few more, I should be back, I want to, I've to.
