Jun 19, 2006

Litmus test

Imagine a day, when you wake up and you realize that you don't have electricity in the whole world ! What would you do ? Your digital life would not even crawl, but would down on its knees.

That's the way I'm starting to feel now :( Internet less life !

Thanks to AT&T( old mafia name SBC ) 's amazing customer-service and infrastructure.

I had to cancel the service which was in my room-mates names and get a new one. Alright, after about 5 or 6 calls, I was told that I've to cancel the existing one to get a new one. Fine, cancellation can happen in 3 days time, but activation might take longer.

So we decided to cancel, by giving us some time. Today morning it was cut-off. It was prompt though as today was the day we had opted. But to get a new one, we can't do it, until the 'number is off the system' ( words from AT&T ). Then we've to take an appointment to get the new service ( phone and DSL ). Best part : that's a week away !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • You can't order a new service while one is active
  • You can't overlap the service
  • Removal takes time and so does new service
  • Technician need to come to the apt/unit for the new service(!!) and take appointment for that
What in god's name is this ? Where am I ?

On the flip side, I really feel that I'm handicapped now :( My digital life has a very thin layer with my real life and often they overlap...

More to come ( crib )...